Heat Recovery Ventilators
HRV Systems

HRV ventilation systems provide an effective and energy-efficient solution to enhance indoor air quality while harnessing the power of nature. These advanced systems are designed to combine the benefits of heat recovery ventilation with natural airflow, enabling fresh and invigorating air to circulate throughout your home.

A better way to enjoy natural ventilation

Creating a fresh and invigorating indoor environment is essential for our well-being and comfort. However, many modern homes are sealed tightly, leading to stagnant air, excess humidity, and a lack of connection with the outdoors. That’s why we offer HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation) systems with a focus on natural ventilation, allowing you to embrace the refreshing benefits of nature within your living spaces.

HRV System Benefits

Fresh Outdoor Air

HRV systems bring in fresh outdoor air, reducing the buildup of stale air and pollutants indoors.


Energy Efficient

By incorporating heat recovery technology, HRV systems recover the energy from the outgoing air, reducing energy loss and lowering utility costs.


Customized Control

HRV systems often offer customizable control options, allowing you to adjust the amount of outdoor air brought into your home.


Moisture Control

Help control humidity levels by introducing fresh outdoor air, which can be drier and help prevent moisture buildup.


HRV System Services

Henry Mechanical can install and maintain the HRV system of your choice.

HRV System Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on your HRV System will extend the life and keep it running at maximum efficiency. Henry Mechanical offers maintenance services that include:

  • Check thermostat operation
  • Check motors
  • Pull & clean heat exchanger
  • Check circuit board
  • Test all dampers
  • Change filters If applicable
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