Wall Furnaces
What is a Wall Furnace?

A wall furnace or wall heater is installed directly in your wall with no connection to a duct system. Like a furnace, wall furnaces have gas and electric options. They take up very little square footage, are very efficient, and can heat up a smaller space fast.


Depending on your home and heat requirements for a particular space a wall furnace may be a good option. Wall furnaces average half the unit price of a central forced-air furnace, and installation costs are also lower because wall units don’t require ducts and the venting required is comparatively simple. They work great for well-insulated smaller spaces with few walls.

Wall Furnace Advantage

Simple Installation


Energy Efficient


Controlled Zoning


Small & Discrete


Quiet Operation

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Wall Furnace Installation

Henry Mechanical can help you find the right wall furnace for your home and install the unit. Because of the size, some homeowners are tempted to try installing a wall furnace on their own, but once they get into the electrical steps and run gas lines the process gets technical and dangerous. We’ll make sure your wall furnace is installed safely and correctly so it runs with maximum efficiency.

Wall Furnace Maintenance

Like all heating appliances, wall furnaces need routine maintenance to extend their life and ensure it runs at maximum efficiency. Henry Mechanical is happy to perform annual tune-ups that include cleaning your unit, checking for hose blockages, gas leaks, electrical issues, and all the checkpoints that keep your system performing at peak levels.

Wall Furnace Repair

Wall furnaces include lots of specialized parts and computerized functions, timers, and programs. That’s why if something goes wrong, you’ll almost certainly need to call in a licensed specialist to fix it. Some common problems you might encounter are banging noises, pilot light problems, short cycling, gas leaks, thermostat problems, and more. If something seems off, just give us a call and we’ll diagnose and get your wall furnace repaired quickly and affordably.

Ready to add a wall furnace to your home?
Is a Wall Furnace Right for You?

It all depends on your home, location, and unique needs. The easiest way to find out which heating system is best for your home or business is to give Henry Mechanical a call. We’ll find out more about your needs and can even schedule an in-person evaluation to determine which type of cooling system makes the most sense for your comfort goals and budget.

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